
WebGL Starter

Anton Gerdelan. 18 May 2015.

This text will appear if the browser doesn't support HTML5.
A model from a recent Ludum Dare game jam. You can view the source code of the page to see how I display this.

Web applications are attractive because they are an excellent way to share your work. All the user needs to do is open a web link. WebGL is a browser-implemented interface that gives web applications access to powerful hardware-accelerated rendering. No plug-ins or installation are required. WebGL is based on the mobile version of OpenGL; "OpenGL ES", which does not require the very latest graphics hardware, it's very portable, and will run on older desktops and most mobile devices as well. And, even better, you don't need to make a special build for each operating system. You will probably find WebGL to be several times faster to create programmes with than the desktop and mobile equivalents.

I am going to explain how I made the rotating character at the top of this page, and introduce basic start-up, use of JavaScript, loading textures, shaders, meshes and file loading, and matrix manipulation. To avoid redundant tutorial content I'm going to assume that you've done at least the basics of modern OpenGL programming already - this means you have an idea about shaders and vertex buffers. I will assume that the reader is familiar with basic HTML, but not necessarily with JavaScript or newer web interfaces. We will not be using any frameworks or high-level interfaces, as there are ample resources for these already.

Technology Overview

You will find yourself switching between several languages when writing WebGL software.

Language Rôle
HTML5 Write a web page with canvas rectangle to render in.
JavaScript Call GL functions, load assets using AJAX, handle user input, write main logic.
GLSL Write shaders to define the style of rendering.

We will just write some basic HTML, using only one or two of the newer features from 5. JavaScript has a file loading interface commonly referred to as "AJAX" (asynchronous JavaScript and XML), as it was designed to serialise XML files into JavaScript object, but we will use it as a generic file loader that returns strings containing file contents. The shader language, with one or two very minor differences, is the same as that for OpenGL ES, with WebGL 1.0 based on the OpenGL ES 2.0 specification, and WebGL 2.0 based on ES 3.0.

Basic HTML Skeleton

We can start by making a very simple HTML web-page.

We start by making a simple HTML web page with a canvas area on it (shown in hatching). We will be able to use any other web interface elements to interact with our code.

The basic concept with WebGL software is that we write a normal web-page, and use the new HTML5 canvas tag to define an area of the page (a blank rectangle) that our rendering will draw to. You can use any of HTML's forms, text areas, and other elements to interact with your visualisation - we can say that we get a user interface library built-in.

I started with something like this:

If you open this in a browser you won't see anything - just a space where the default 300x150 pixel canvas sits. We will attach a GL context to it shortly. To do that we add some JavaScript, which will talk to our web document.

In our HTML, the canvas is a simple tag with a DOM id as a code hook. We can also provide width and height attributes to specify the actual size of the canvas on the page.

We leverage the DOM (document object model) to access web page elements from our JavaScript code. This is as simple as giving each element's HTML tag an id="my_thingy" attribute. The browser also has a BOM (browser object model) which provides built-in functions to handle user interaction via mouse, gamepad, or keyboard.

JavaScript Start-Up Code

JavaScript replaces C as the main interface language to the graphics library. If you've never used JavaScript before then you should know that it has nothing to do with the Java language apart from the name - it was a marketing scheme from a time when people still thought that Java was a good idea! JavaScript is a client-side script language, which means that a client's web-browser downloads your entire source code, then runs it within their browser on their own CPU. This means that you can do much more powerful interactive debugging, and it doesn't need recompilation, but it's a bit slower than C.

We can add JavaScript inside script tags anywhere in the HTML file, put I prefer to put them all at the end, after my HTML content. Scripts support various languages through the type= attribute, but JavaScript is the default, and JavaScript blocks will execute automatically. You can add this script block to your page:

I introduce a few new concepts here. The first instruction is the JavaScript equivalent of printf(). If you go to your browser's developer menu you can open the JavaScript console, and you should see the message. It's good to have this open whenever you refresh or reload your page, as it will give you quite good error information that you may not otherwise be aware of as the page may go on to look like it loaded correctly.

I use the DOM to fetch my canvas element as a JavaScript object. Note that JavaScript does not use strong typing - everything is a var object, which I can tell you causes far more problems than it solves. In any case, my first action is to modify the canvas' width and height attributes from JavaScript, which should change its size on the page.

Next, I ask the canvas to set itself up with a new WebGL context, and keep track of this as an object called gl. This object will be our interface to all of the WebGL functions.

My final instructions use the gl object to call GL functions. They are almost identical to OpenGL function names and constants, except that gl and GL_ are removed, and we access each through our new object. You can set the aplha channel here to 0.0 if you want to background to be transparent and the page background to show through. If you refresh the web page you should see the canvas bigger, and coloured. You can find the complete list of OpenGL functions on the WebGL Quick Reference card at https://www.khronos.org/webgl/.

You'll notice, reading the reference card, that WebGL does not support newer OpenGL's Vertex Array Object (VAO). It's actually quite tedious rendering in OpenGL without VAOs, as you have to set up vertex attribute pointers every time that you draw. There's a VAO extension for WebGL though. You can see it in the extension registry. We can query that in our script block, which will return a new object, which is then our interface to the VAO extension's subset of functions:

If it isn't supported by the user's browser/system then we can use the error logging mechanism of the browser console to report that. This also includes a line number link in the console's output.

Loading a Texture Asynchronously

It's actually much easier to load a texture into WebGL than regular OpenGL as we don't need an image loading library - HTML already loads images. We can use an image that appears on the web page as texture, or load one quietly in JavaScript. Note that this is asynchronous, so the texture will actually be created some time later in your code after you provide the image URL.

That's it! Note that I did something really unusual, and set an is_loaded attribute inside the texture. We know that OpenGL textures aren't even objects - they certainly don't have attributes! In JavaScript we can dynamically add new attributes to extant objects.

Because the modern web uses an asynchronous download model we can never be sure when a resource will actually be downloaded. On a bad connection the onload function may not even execute for a minute after your main loop starts. In the mean-time we will at least have a valid, but empty, texture with a flag to check against. In a C programme that was sophisticated enough to load files asynchronously, we would have a little set-up like this:

We are not allowed to have a thread-hogging wait loop in JavaScript, so the best we can do is add an if-statement check in our main loop, so that it won't try to draw before all the required assets are loaded. For example:

You can see why it's useful to inject some state attributes, and where the "popping-in" effect of resources we see in WebGL demos comes from. If you want to avoid this odd effect you could have a function that checks if all of the assets are loaded before rendering, and instead render perhaps some "loading.." text, but from my experience with a larger commercial project which had a lot of resource data to download, you can get a very bad user experience if they have to wait for a long time on a mobile device or on a poor connection - you'll probably find users prefer "popping-in" to a long wait.

Loading Shaders from HTML Scripts

I usually like to have my shaders in external files, but that's actually a little bit inconvenient in JavaScript, which will also want to load them asynchronously. For multi-part shaders it's actually an annoyance using this mechanism. You could concatenate both shaders into one file. You can also store the shaders in JavaScript strings. Most developers instead find it more convenient to put shaders in their own script blocks so that you don't have to worry about string formatting or asynchronous downloads. I put my vertex shader in its own script block above my other scripts:

I set the type attribute to something appropriate-looking so that the browser doesn't think that it's JavaScript that should be exectuted. I set the id attribute so that I can fetch it later. The GLSL for WebGL 1.0 uses the acoderibute and varying keywords of older OpenGL 2.1 and OpenGL ES rather than newer in and out. Similarly, I have a fragment shader in a script block:

We also have varying instead of in here, and the built-in gl_FragColor instead of an output variable. WebGL fragment shaders are required to have that exact precision statement at the top.

To fetch the contents of these blocks as JavaScript strings, I do this after loading the mesh:

var el = document.getElementById ("heckler.vert");
var vs_str = el.innerHTML;
el = document.getElementById ("heckler.frag");
var fs_str = el.innerHTML

I just use the DOM again to fetch the strings. Instead of a script block, you could just as well put your shaders in a visible textarea, and live edit them. Web elements have a range of .on....() functions that you can define. When a user clicks on something, or text is changed a callback function will fire - your function could recompile the shaders.

Following this, I have regular-looking code compiling the shaders and getting some variables to hold the locations of uniforms. Note that I also explicitly bind the locations of my attributes to 0, 1, and 2, for points, texture coordinates, and normals, respectively.

var vs = gl.createShader (gl.VERTEX_SHADER);
var fs = gl.createShader (gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER);
gl.shaderSource (vs, vs_str);
gl.shaderSource (fs, fs_str);
gl.compileShader (vs);
if (!gl.getShaderParameter (vs, gl.COMPILE_STATUS)) {
  console.error ("ERROR compiling vert shader. log: " +
    gl.getShaderInfoLog (vs));
gl.compileShader (fs);
if (!gl.getShaderParameter (fs, gl.COMPILE_STATUS)) {
  console.error ("ERROR compiling frag shader. log: " +
    gl.getShaderInfoLog (fs));
var sp = gl.createProgram ();
gl.attachShader (sp, vs);
gl.attachShader (sp, fs);
gl.bindAttribLocation (sp, 0, "vp");
gl.bindAttribLocation (sp, 1, "vt");
gl.bindAttribLocation (sp, 2, "vn");
gl.linkProgram (sp);
if (!gl.getProgramParameter (sp, gl.LINK_STATUS)) {
  console.error ("ERROR linking program. log: " + gl.getProgramInfoLog (sp));
gl.validateProgram (sp);
if (!gl.getProgramParameter(sp, gl.VALIDATE_STATUS)) {
  console.error ("ERROR validating program. log: " +
    gl.getProgramInfoLog (sp));
var heckler_PV_loc = gl.getUniformLocation (sp, "PV");
var heckler_M_loc = gl.getUniformLocation (sp, "M");

"PV" is my combined projection and view matrix, and "M" is my model matrix. Although similar to OpenGL in C, you can see things like string functions are a little bit easier to deal with. If you refresh the browser and look in the console you should get an error message (including shader and linker logs) if that didn't work. If you want to be sure that the shader code loaded, you can use alert (vs_str); to throw up an alert box with the vertex shader string.

Loading a Mesh File with AJAX

I have a mesh file that I want to render - a Wavefront .obj file I made for a recent game jam. What I want to do is read the .obj file into a string, then use JavaScript string parsing functions (which are quite good) to break that up into lists of points, texture coordinates, and normals. We can use AJAX for that, which works like this:

var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xmlhttp.open ("GET", "OUR_URL_STRING_HERE", true);
xmlhttp.onload = function (e) {
  var str = xmlhttp.responseText;
  var lines = str.split ('\n');
  for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
    //...parsing code goes here...
xmlhttp.send ();

First, we get an interface to a new XMLHTTPRequest (AJAX' real name). We tell it that it will use the HTTP "GET" request to retrieve a file from a URL, which we will give it as a string. Finally, it prefers to work asynchronously, which can be quite tricky to set up in JavaScript, but is worth doing to get the best loading time. If you prefer to skip this extra fuss you can set the third parameter of the open() function to false, but the browser will complain to you in the console.

We can handle our asynchronous download with AJAX in the same way as we handled the texture - adding an is_loaded attribute. I'll also check that the texture was loaded, because it would look terrible if the VAO loaded first, and rendered with some other texture:

var my_vao = start_loading_obj ("meshes/my_mesh.obj");
// _inside the main drawing loop_
if (my_vao.is_loaded && texture.is_loaded) {
  vao_ext.bindVertexArrayOES (my_vao);
  // draw stuff that requires the VAO

I won't paste the 50-lines or so for .obj parsing here, but you can view it at obj_parser.js. There are many ways that you can structure your JavaScript objects and functions. Another annoying limitation to JavaScript is that you cannot really pass back more than one variable from a function as you can in C. You might consider creating a mesh container object that holds a VAO and a point count, or simply adding the vertex point count as another attribute in your VAO like I do here - it all depends on how much abstraction you like to have in your working code.

function start_loading_obj (url) {
  // first create an empty VAO
  var vao = vao_ext.createVertexArrayOES ();
  // inject an is_loaded boolean
  vao.is_loaded = false;
  // inject point count into VAO (yeah...)
  vao.pc = 0;

  var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
  xmlhttp.open ("GET", url, true);
  xmlhttp.onload = function (e) {
    var str = xmlhttp.responseText;
    var lines = str.split ('\n');
    for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
      //...parsing code goes here...
    // store loaded state and point count in VAO
    vao.pc = sorted_vp.length / 3;
    vao.is_loaded = true;
  // start loading
  xmlhttp.send ();
  // return the empty VAO
  return vao;

Note that, similar to the texture creation, the first step is to create a valid, but empty, VAO. This will be returned to the function caller whilst the download starts. That means that even if the download has not finished, our main programme still has a valid handle to the eventual VAO, and can check its state. The send function starts the HTTP handshaking. When the file has actually downloaded to the client the onload callback function will start - some-time after the original function call returned. It's very easy to make a mistake here when testing. On a local network the download won't have a delay. From another continent, with a large mesh, the delay could take some time - when testing asynchronous download code, check over the longest and worst connection possible. You will definitely make mistakes with the little check flags and callbacks, and have code that assumes something has downloaded without sufficiently checking.

In your parsing code you can use the str.split ('\n'); command to return an array of strings; one for each line in the file, and parse that in a loop with for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {. Note that JavaScript uses dynamic arrays (basically C++ vectors), and they always know their own length.

To include an external JavaScript file, we just add another script block, and specify the src="path_to_file.js" attribute.

I have a relative path to my file here. Note that you must have a closing script tag - you cannot have a single, self-closing <script /> tag, as you can with other types of HTML element. This new script block should really appear before our other block, so that the browser parses it before it is used. If you don't do this it will still work, but the browser might warn you that it has been forced to load the script less efficiently.

Cross-Origin File Access

If you're loading your web page from your desktop AJAX may complain and refuse to load files as it violates security policy. You can put your content on a local web-server - there are many light-weight servers available. You can start Chrome with the --disable-web-security command-line flag to ignore this precaution, or you can just use Firefox, which should ignore this problem entirely and load your files.

Creating Matrices

You will need a set of vector and matrix maths functions for JavaScript. A very popular library is Brandon Jones' gl-matrix. I also ported my maths library to JavaScript. You can of course also write your own. It's easier to just leave matrices and vectors in JavaScript's native array format, rather than creating custom data structures.

It's worth having a look at the source code of a JavaScript maths library to see how functions, parameters, and arrays work in JavaScript. Functions do not have declarations - just a definition. They are all prefixed with the function keyword instead of a data-type, and can return or not return a value. Parameters are just given name, and do not require a var prefix. Currying and more advanced functional programming is possible. Arrays are given as comma-separated lists of values inside square brackets. An empty array is created with either var my_array = [] or var my_array = new Array ().

I just include my maths library with another script block. I create my view and projection matrices with familiar-looking functions:

var cam_dirty = true;
var V = look_at ([0.0, 0.4, 1.0], [0.0, 0.4, 0.0],
  normalise_vec3 ([0.0, 1.0, 0.0]));
var aspect = canvas.clientWidth / canvas.clientHeight;
var P = perspective (67.0, aspect, 0.1, 100.0);
var PV = mult_mat4_mat4 (P, V);

Very important JavaScript note: my canvas dimensions are integers, but division here does floating point division, not integer division. This could be your first encounter with the horrible bits of JavaScript. If you want a particular data type you usually have to enforce it with particular truncation or parsing functions - floating point or string seem to be a kind of default assumed data type in JavaScript in most cases.

Drawing in a Loop

To have a loop in JavaScript the best strategy is to create function that you put the code to be looped inside, and notify the browser that you want to call this function again when it finishes. Unfortunately, the actual function to request a repeat call does not seem to have been standardised over all the browsers. I took a snippet from Google's webgl-utils.js file to encapsulate that in a cross-browser function:

window.requestAnimFrame = (function() {
return window.requestAnimationFrame ||
  window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||
  window.mozRequestAnimationFrame ||
  window.oRequestAnimationFrame ||
  window.msRequestAnimationFrame ||
  function(callback, element) {
    return window.setTimeout (callback, 1000 / 60);

If you put that somewhere in your script blocks we can call it. We will also write a function to repeat that will do our drawing. This can go after your start-up code if you like:

var previous_millis;

function main_loop () {
  // update timers
  var current_millis = performance.now ();
  var elapsed_millis = current_millis - previous_millis;
  previous_millis = current_millis;
  var elapsed_s = elapsed_millis / 1000.0;
  // draw
  gl.activeTexture (gl.TEXTURE0);
  gl.bindTexture (gl.TEXTURE_2D, texture);
  gl.useProgram (sp);
  if (cam_dirty) {
    gl.uniformMatrix4fv (heckler_PV_loc, gl.FALSE, new Float32Array (PV));
    cam_dirty = false;
  var R = rotate_y_deg (identity_mat4 (), current_millis * 0.075);
  gl.uniformMatrix4fv (heckler_M_loc, gl.FALSE, new Float32Array (R));
  vao_ext.bindVertexArrayOES (heckler_vao);
  gl.drawArrays (gl.TRIANGLES, 0, heckler_vao.pc);
  // "automatically re-call this function please"
  window.requestAnimFrame (main_loop, canvas);

I like to have some timers in my loop so I can do animations, and measure frame rate and so on. You can use the browser's performance.now() function to do this, which gives you milliseconds since the page loaded, with your system's maximum precision up to nanoseconds - much more reliable than JavaScript's data and time functions. After this I start my drawing code. I update my matrix uniform for the projection and view if it hasn't been updated yet. There are some peculiarities with the uniform update function for matrices. The transposition argument must be set to false in WebGL - it won't do a transposition for you. It's a good idea to force the matrix' array to take a 32-bit float data type, and you can do that by creating a new Float32Array object. Right at the end of the function I call the request-to-call-again function. Buffer swapping and the actual drawing of the final image to the canvas are handled automatically. Right at the end of the script block we can actually call this function, which will start the looping process:

previous_millis = performance.now();
main_loop ();

Those are the basics of WebGL, which should be enough to get started if you've done a bit of OpenGL before.


The browser has a plethora of functions and features that you can access. You can look at user interaction with the mouse, keyboard, touch-screens for mobile devices, and even the new W3C gamepad/joystick interface. You can look at setting up more sophisticated asynchronous file streaming.

Having a set of GUI tools from HTML can not be understated. You can use all of the web's additions to charts, sliders, buttons, and most importantly you have text rendering. You can overlay these on top of the canvas if you like via CSS. You can also float the canvas over other web content, and make the background transparent.

Browsers have built-in debugging, source, stepping, and watch-list tools. You can do some very comprehensive debugging inside the browser, and even enter new JavaScript code in as the application is running. It's a good idea to try out these tools.

Be sure to watch the development of the new WebGL 2.0 standard, and see if your browsers already have an early version of this running.

Recommended Reading

My favourite WebGL book so far is Diego Cantor and Brandon Jones' "WebGL Beginner's Guide", at PACKT. Mozilla Developer Network has an excellent tutorial series on getting started with WebGL.